Mohammed Elnady Hello and welcome to our exhibition for 2020. I am Mohammed Elnady, photographer and an engineer, I have loved photography since a really young age, started considering photography as a career 4 years ago, did try a lot of different shooting (events, weddings, landscapes, sports ..etc.), always trying to do my best and never stopped learning. You see I really believe in the saying that says “A picture is worth a thousand words”, life has a lot of moments that we either go through or we have been told of, just having the ability to save that moment, that memory, the moments that we would never forget in our lives, that we would always love to see it again and again, and being able to share it with the others to show them a part of how we see things, other perspective, other meaning, or just let them see what they want to fly with their imagination is just a bless. Feel free to follow me on Instagram @elnady224